We offer our customers the ability to cold stabilise their wine prior to bottling. The cold stabilisation process is mainly used for white wines in order to remove unstable Potassium Bi-Tartrate prior to bottling. Wines left untreated can precipitate tartrate crystals into finished wine in the bottle making the […]
Tag: Wine analysis
3 posts
Once bottling is completed our laboratory staff will conduct the relevant post bottling analysis of your wine, enter the results on your original Bottling Authorisation and send the results back to you. Here are the tests we perform after bottling: Post Bottling Analysis Method Alcohol Alcolyzer Sulphur Dioxide Aspiration Turbidity […]
Once in our tank, your product will undergo regular testing to ensure that it meets your specifications. It begins with pre-bottling analysis. A sample is taken for all product arrivals after it has been unloaded into the allocated tank. Here are the tests we will perform before your bottling: Pre-Bottling […]