Category: Cellar Services
We offer our customers the ability to cold stabilise their wine prior to bottling. The cold stabilisation process is mainly used for white wines in order to remove unstable Potassium Bi-Tartrate prior to bottling. Wines left untreated can precipitate tartrate crystals into finished wine in the bottle making the […]
If customers require cross flow filtration prior to bottling, we can provide this service on site using our Vaslin Bucher Flavy FX5 Cross Flow Filter. For those not completely up with this style of filter, its main difference from the traditional filtration is that the product passes across the filter […]
On the morning of bottling the free sulphur, carbon dioxide and dissolved oxygen levels are tested to ensure they are still within customer specifications. Once this is complete your product will be bottled by our Production staff. We offer a range of additives that we store on site and are […]
At Prowine our primary focus is wine bottling therefore it is the customer’s responsibility to ensure that wines arrive in a ‘bottle ready state’. Wine call ups are issued approximately 1 – 2 weeks prior to the week of production and are based on many variables such as actual date […]